How did I get here?

Well, that’s hard to answer. I guess I could start from one of  two perspectives–where I started, or where I’m going. But either way, that would be kind of a long and boring story. The photo sums it up, though: Either you’re looking for someone or something to tell you what comes next, or you’re focusing on what you decide will come next.  In this case, Betty was locked on a bird, which was a totally unattainable goal. I didn’t tell her that, though . . . I didn’t want to crush her hunter’s spirit. My goals are a little closer to reality: More time with family, more time to enjoy new experiences, and more time to write about them!

Don’t worry, this won’t get too deep. I’m more Captain Obvious (or maybe Jack Handey) than Oscar Wilde.  Maybe there will be some generally motivational thoughts embedded in my random musings. Or maybe not. But there will be kids, cats, recipes, and adventures in freelancing. I’m still new at that part. Advice is welcome.

My thought for today started taking shape at 5 a.m., when my son decided it was time to wake up. Why? Because he got a simple digital watch in his Easter basket, and he had set it so he could wake up on his own. At 7:30. He hasn’t yet learned the meaning of irony.

First I heard him thumping against the wall, which he does when he can’t sleep and rolls back and forth. Then I heard indistinct one-sided conversation, which reminded me of the scene in Finding Dory when she was dreaming.

“No, that was my fault, sorry . . .”

“Where did you find that doggo?”

“That’s my chocolate . . . mmmmm . . .”


And suddenly he was in front of me, brandishing his new watch and demanding to go downstairs and read the instructions for how to turn off the hourly alarm. And it made me think: What am I excited about when I get up in the morning? Besides coffee? Sometimes it’s hard to think of something I would jump out of bed for.

So that was my challenge for the day: Come up with something I’m looking forward to about each day. Ok, I’m still thinking about it. So far coffee was the winner for the day. But at least it got me thinking. And hopefully I’ll come up with something new every day.

6 thoughts on “How did I get here?

  1. Hi Shelley,
    Good luck with the blog. I enjoy reading your outlooks on life and look forward to reading about your next cup of coffee. Oh, and your kitties could be the twins to our kitties, how cute!


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